The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood screenshot

Review of The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood

The latest release from Deconstructeam, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, delves into the concept of player choice in video games. This narrative-led visual novel takes players on a Tarot deck-building adventure, where they assume the role of Fortuna, a witch who has been sealed away on an asteroid for a millennium. As players navigate through the game, they are faced with choices that not only shape the destiny of the characters but also raise important questions about the ethics and moral boundaries of player agency.

One of the fascinating aspects of The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is how it approaches player choice without feeling preachy or judgmental. Instead, it asks meaningful questions about the responsibilities players have when interacting with characters in interactive media. The game challenges players to consider whether their choices infringe upon the free will of the characters and whether it is ethical to impose their will on them.

At the core of the game’s mechanics is a deck-building Tarot card game. Players gather resources of fire, water, earth, and air to craft cards that represent various emotions such as loss, anger, and hopelessness. These cards are then used to provide advice to Fortuna’s friends as they face their own dilemmas. The more cards players create, the more options they have for guiding the narrative down different pathways.

Deconstructeam’s writing in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is outstanding, breathing life into characters from the moment they are introduced. Every sentence is filled with purpose and character, making each conversation a memorable interaction with far-reaching consequences. The game’s final hours take a surprising turn, leading to an intense and heart-pounding conclusion that left me captivated.

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Despite its high-concept setting, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood remains grounded in human emotions, particularly those of a mature nature. Fortuna’s long isolation and the challenges she faces as an immortal witch provide opportunities to explore themes such as self-harm and the post-human condition. The game also takes a sensitive approach to topics like transgender women transitioning, highlighting the freedom and hope that come with being separated from societal pressures.

The world-building in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is exceptional, with the majority of the game taking place within Fortuna’s home. Through conversations with her friends, players gain insight into the wider world and the role of the Sisterhood. The game manages to incorporate an impressive amount of world-building without overwhelming the player with exposition, creating a gradual expansion of the game’s universe.

The game’s soundtrack adds a striking personality to the experience. With a mix of soothing and lively tracks, the music complements each character’s presence, enhancing their individuality and the emotions they evoke.

In conclusion, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is a superb game that demands to be experienced. Deconstructeam tackles player choice and interaction in a thought-provoking manner, exploring topics such as post-humanism and the ethical responsibilities players have when shaping a narrative. The game’s exceptional writing and compelling narrative make it one of the richest visual novel experiences in recent years. Whether you’re a fan of visual novels or intrigued by games that challenge traditional storytelling, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is an adventure not to be missed.

What do you think?

Written by Dina Stephens

Dina, or "Ghost" as fans know her, is a retired pro gamer. Her experiences in the world of first-person shooters have made her a respected figure in the community.

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