Remnant 2 Review

Review of Remnant 2

Remnant 2: Expanding and Refining the Dark Souls with Guns Formula

Remnant: From the Ashes was an unexpected success when it was released in 2019. The game, often referred to as “Dark Souls with guns,” blended the challenging gameplay of the Souls series with third-person shooting mechanics and added a procedurally generated twist. Now, Gunfire Games is back with Remnant 2, aiming to build upon the strengths of its predecessor while introducing new elements. While the game does reach new heights, it sometimes stretches itself too thin in the process.

Building on the Foundation

One of the key improvements in Remnant 2 is the expansion of the class system. The first game lacked diversity in its classes, with each one playing similarly to the others. In the sequel, Gunfire Games has introduced five specialized classes: Medic, Hunter, Challenger, Handler, and Gunslinger. Each class has its own unique playstyle and abilities, allowing players to approach combat in different ways. The addition of dual classes further adds to the variety and replayability of the game.

Furthermore, Remnant 2 takes the procedural generation concept from its predecessor and amplifies it. The game now features procedurally generated storylines, puzzles, bosses, levels, and critical paths. This ensures that each playthrough is a unique experience, making the game highly replayable.

A World of Strangeness and Atmosphere

The visual design of Remnant 2 has also been greatly improved. Each new area that players explore is a fantastical, gothic, or even alien environment. The visual palette ranges from levels that resemble H.R. Giger paintings to otherworldly labyrinths. While the main story may sometimes take a backseat, the captivating level design keeps players engaged and curious about what lies ahead.

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Challenges and Frustrations

While Remnant 2 brings many improvements, it also introduces some challenges and frustrations. The game’s difficulty can be erratic, with sudden spikes that catch players off guard. The puzzles, too, can vary greatly in complexity, sometimes becoming overly difficult without proper explanation. These inconsistencies can disrupt the game’s pacing and progression.

Additionally, the boss fights in Remnant 2 can be overwhelming and frustrating. The game often throws bullet-hell-like projectiles and spawns numerous enemies, making it difficult to keep up. The sluggishness of the third-person shooting mechanics further compounds the challenge. The margin for error is low, and the imprecise hitboxes can lead to cheap shots from enemies.

The Power of Co-op

Remnant 2 is primarily balanced for co-op play, which mitigates many of the game’s minor issues. Playing with others allows for better synergy and support, making the game more manageable. However, solo play can be more challenging due to the inherent weaknesses in the class builds. The game is best enjoyed with friends, but solo mode could benefit from further balance tuning.

A Unique and Flawed Experience

Despite its flaws, Remnant 2 still manages to deliver a unique and interesting experience. The game’s intriguing worlds, impressive procedural generation system, and diverse playstyles make up for its lack of refinement. While it may not always feel as polished or intuitive as its inspirations, Remnant 2 pushes the boundaries of the “Dark Souls with guns” formula and offers an engaging and challenging adventure.

Remnant 2 releases on July 25 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. Game Rant was provided a PC code for this review.

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Remnant 2

The sequel to Remnant: From the Ashes, Gunfire’s Remnant 2 is a Soulslike RPG that primarily plays like a third-person shooter. Focusing on co-op while still supporting single-player, the game features hard-as-nails bosses, an upgrade system, multiple classes with their own abilities, and dynamically generated dungeons that enhance replayability.

What do you think?

Written by Dina Stephens

Dina, or "Ghost" as fans know her, is a retired pro gamer. Her experiences in the world of first-person shooters have made her a respected figure in the community.

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