Amnesia: The Bunker Review

Review of Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker – A Risky Departure for Frictional Games

Frictional Games has established itself as one of the top horror developers in the industry, and for good reason. The original Amnesia game revitalized the genre when other developers were moving towards a more action-oriented approach. Since then, Frictional has consistently delivered great horror experiences. However, their latest entry, Amnesia: The Bunker, falls short of their previous successes.

A Semi-Open World Experience

Amnesia: The Bunker starts with a short introduction and then throws players into a World War 1-era bunker. Exploring the bunker is essential for survival, as it provides valuable supplies like bandages, grenades, revolver ammo, and fuel for the generator. The game introduces a new mechanic where players must regularly refuel the generator to keep the lights on, adding an element of resource management and tension.

The limited fuel also serves other purposes, such as starting fires and crafting items like Molotov cocktails and torches. This scarcity of resources increases the tension and difficulty, forcing players to carefully consider their options and prioritize their actions. However, it also adds frustration to the gameplay, as players must constantly weigh the importance of each decision.

Henri Clement looking at the bullets in his revolver in Amnesia: The Bunker

The Power of the Revolver

The revolver becomes the player’s best tool against the relentless monster that stalks them throughout the game. However, even with the revolver, players still feel powerless against the creature. On higher difficulties, the monster can withstand multiple revolver shots, forcing players to be extremely conservative with their ammunition. This limitation adds to the challenge but also restricts players from using the revolver for other purposes, such as destroying obstacles or unlocking doors.

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A Semi-Open World with Metroidvania Elements

Amnesia: The Bunker presents a semi-open world setting, but it’s more linear than it initially appears. The bunker is divided into distinct zones, and players must find specific tools in specific areas to progress. This design choice gives the game a Metroidvania-like structure, where players need to collect items in a certain order to access new areas. While this approach adds some depth to the gameplay, it also limits the freedom of exploration.

Throwing grenade bomb

A Terrifying Monster and Its Downsides

The monster in Amnesia: The Bunker initially presents a terrifying threat. The game’s audio design effectively creates a sense of dread, with inhuman noises, stomping, and scratches that will make players crawl out of their skin. However, as the game progresses, the monster becomes more of an annoyance than a source of fear. On higher difficulties, it can instantly kill the player character upon contact, leading to frustrating and repetitive sections of the game.

Avoiding the monster requires players to make as little noise as possible, which often means sacrificing entertaining gameplay. Players must crouch, avoid using the flashlight (which attracts the monster), and ignore locked doors that could be blown open or smashed. While this mechanic initially builds tension, it eventually becomes an annoyance that hinders players from fully enjoying the game.

Image from Amnesia: The Bunker showing the player lighting up a dark hallway.

A Missed Opportunity

Amnesia: The Bunker relies heavily on one-hit deaths and the fear of losing progress to create scares. However, this design choice eventually becomes a chore to play. The story also fails to deliver a satisfying conclusion, and the final stretch of the game is the weakest part. Players are left frustrated after enduring frustrating encounters without a significant reward. As a result, Amnesia: The Bunker falls short compared to Frictional’s previous Amnesia games.

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A Genuinely Scary and Replayable Experience

Despite its shortcomings, Amnesia: The Bunker still manages to deliver genuine scares and enjoyable puzzles. Fans of old-school survival-horror games will find a lot to appreciate in this title. The game’s randomization elements and open-ended nature make it the most replayable Amnesia game to date. Additionally, being available on day one through Xbox Game Pass allows horror fans to experience the game without a significant financial commitment.

amnesia the bunker-1

Amnesia: The Bunker

The fourth entry in the Amnesia franchise, The Bunker takes place in a World War I bunker. Frictional Games’ horror title gives players a gun with a single bullet as they try to survive in a claustrophobic hellscape in which they are not alone.

Amnesia: The Bunker is set to launch on June 6 for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. This review is based on a PC code provided by the publisher.

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Written by Dina Stephens

Dina, or "Ghost" as fans know her, is a retired pro gamer. Her experiences in the world of first-person shooters have made her a respected figure in the community.

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