Can You Become A Vampire In Baldurs Gate 3 Answered
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Is it possible to become a vampire in Baldur’s Gate 3? Answered

Can You Become a Vampire in Baldur’s Gate 3? Answered

Baldur’s Gate 3: Can you be a vampire?

There are plenty of races, classes, and backgrounds to choose from in Baldur’s Gate 3 during character creation. As you play through the game, you’ll eventually realize that your companion Astarion is a vampire. The thought of playing a vampire character sounds quite fun. But can you actually become a vampire in Baldur’s Gate 3? We have an answer for you below.

How to become a vampire in Baldur’s Gate 3

While there are no options to create a vampire in character creation, how about once you’re in the game? The answer to whether you can become a vampire or not in Baldur’s Gate 3 is sort of a yes. There are a few different ways you get the chance to become a vampire like Astarion. Well, sort of like Astarion, but not to his level.

Temporary vampire transformation

First off, there’s a very temporary way to become a vampire. During Act 1, if you defeat Auntie Ethel, make your way to her Acrid Workshop in the Overgrown Tunnel. There, you can find an array of mysterious potions. One of them is ‘A Mother’s Loathing‘, which if consumed, will grant you the Bite ability. Until your next Long Rest, you can explore the vampire experience.

Permanent vampire transformation

Luckily, there’s another way to actually become a vampire permanently, but it’s a lot more complicated. First off, you need to make it to Act Three and romance Astarion. From there, once you face off against Cazador, convince Astarion to ascend. He can then become a Vampire Ascendant, and you can actually ask him to make you a vampire spawn. You won’t be the same type of vampire he is, but you’ll at least turn into one. If he accepts this proposal, you’ll transform, and will have the ability to bite people during combat! That’s really the only thing that you get, but you can at least live out your vampire dreams with Astarion if you choose this path.

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If you’ve ever wondered whether you can become a vampire in Baldur’s Gate 3, the answer is yes, but with some limitations. While there are no options for creating a vampire character during character creation, you can temporarily become a vampire by consuming the potion ‘A Mother’s Loathing’ in Act 1. Additionally, in Act Three, you have the opportunity to romance Astarion and convince him to make you a vampire spawn, granting you the ability to bite people during combat. So, while you may not become a full-fledged vampire like Astarion, you can still experience the thrill of being a vampire in the game.

Related Resources

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on Steam.

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Written by Casey Mitchell

Born in Brighton and raised on a diet of Tetris and Dendy classics, Casey is a gaming historian.

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